Hey guys, this blog is currently on hold, sorry! I love the idea of the project, but it's time consuming and I have other things going on, so I'll get back to this one when I can.

Until then, you might want to check out other
quirky people here.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lacey (15/365)

Lacey from 8th/9th grade--Similar to Jimmy, she was much older and picked on much more. I talked to her on the bus and treated her like a real person....I reached out. She bit a few times and wasn’t the greatest, but who could blame her? She’d been treated horribly all her life...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jimmy (14/365)

Jimmy from 3rd grade--Everyone said he was disgusting. They avoided him like the plague....didn’t have much money and did weird things. I remember the day he worse his tie-dye shirt to school still wet so he didn’t miss the school spirit activity for that day. ....the first time I didn’t reach out....

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mrs. Capps (13/365)

Mrs. Capps--She wasn’t interesting....she was stressed. She was one of my early teachers and would yell and scream for us to be quiet...when we weren’t that loud. She constantly had headaches and we’d have to sit with our heads on the desks and the lights off. Try not yelling....

Friday, January 12, 2007

Miss Thomas (12/365)

Miss Thomas--
Dear Miss Thomas,

You’re responsible for me being so cautious with carbon monoxide. When I learned that you had fallen asleep in your garage late one night with your car running, and never woke up, you were no longer just my past kindergarten teacher. Thank you.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Danielle (11/365)

Danielle Kennedy (?)--My first “best friend,” but also the first that I intentionally lost contact with. I loved her to death, but seeing as how I was in 2nd grade, I didn’t realize what I wanted out of friends yet. I still have some of the plastic earrings her mom gave me....

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Biggin' (10/365)

Biggin'--As a huge farmhand, he was scary, quiet, humorous, and sweet all at the same time. Looking back, he reminds of Lennie in Of Mice and Men. My kitten used to sleep on his truck tires....was devastated when kitty didn’t wake up one morning and he ran over it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Benjamin Franklin (9/365)

Mr. President--
Dear Benjamin Franklin,

You were our best inside joke. I don’t remember exactly how it began, but the mere mention of your name would send us into on-the-floor giggling fits. A picture of you made it even better...or would that be worse? Thank you.

Quirky Jessi

Monday, January 8, 2007

Joey #2 (8/365)

We’d play for hours and hours upon end
Days on top of mountains or in circuses, we’d spend.
Time with him, I never grew wary
Because my dear Joey was imaginary.

Our friendship faded, but he’ll always be precious in my heart and mind. Oh, the stories I could tell....

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Mrs. Tell-Me-Your Whole-Life-Story (7/365)

Mrs. Tell-Me-Your Whole-Life-Story--As I told the little one not to touch, the lady said, “Oh cute.” My reply somehow led MTMYWLS to think I wanted to hear about kicking her son out on Christmas Day because he wanted to spend time with friends, among other things.

I nod, but I don’t agree.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Joey (6/365)

Joey--In 3rd grade, they'd bring him to my gym class to play with us. Cherise and I spent the most time with him. He was always happy and smiling....not a care in the world, it seemed. He would recognize your voice and immediately get excited. He was also blind.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Mrs. Whitten (5/365)

Mrs. Whitten--As one of my 4th grade teachers, she was in her 40s, but surprisingly full of youthful energy....always so spunky and fun. Halfway through the year, she got a full set of braces, proving that it’s never too late to do something you have waited your whole life for.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Mouth of the South (4/365)

My Un-named Aunt--

The Mouth of the South
is her greatest nickname.
When secret info is needed
She's your best dame.

Ask her a question
Or better yet--don't.
She knows everything you'd want
and even more so, the things you won't.

As my aunt, I love her, but otherwise, tracks are covered.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Bus Stalker (3/365)

Bus Stalker--Several months after SAL comforted me, Stalker Guy reminded me of a scary reality. The bum-ish man followed me onto a bus, tried everything he could to get me home with him (or for coffee even) and likely would’ve followed me home had I not slipped off at unexpected stop.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Mr. Santa-Look-Alike (2/365)

Random Bus Rider--When I started university, I had to learn the public transportation system. One late night, I found myself on the bus with a couple strange men, one of whom looked like a jolly ol’ Santa. He struck up conversation and erased any fears of being alone in an unknown city.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Mrs. Garrett (1/365)

Mrs. Ann Garrett--Taught more about writing than I ever would've discovered on my own. Strong believer that people fade in/out of concentration, so never minded repeating herself. Always stretched thin on obligations, but made time for more, whether exploring in-depth stories, or discussing personal problems. Loved bruhaha. Reminds me of myself.